Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Heyday times of Bloc Party

A successful music blog, Pulp and Circumstance, Juiced's entry From the Vault: Bloc Party, "England" (live) had me nostalgic about the band Bloc Party and it's widespread success a few years back.

Bloc Party released the album "Silent Alarm" in February 2005 and reached worldwide sales with over a 100 million copies being sold worldwide.  Singles released off of this album include "Pioneers", "Banquet", and "So here we are/Positive Tension".

In 2003, Bloc Party consisted of guitarists Kele Okereke and Russell Lissack and bassist Gordon Moakes. After drummer Matt Tong auditioned and joined the trio, the band members' songwriting evolved and they started crafting tracks for Silent Alarm

I would have to agree with Pulp and Circumstance, Juiced that this album was pure bliss and always remains relevant to listen to.  I feel inspired to dig up the old album, in my itunes library of course, and download it back onto the iPod. 

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